Patients' testimonials...




" Beatriz has been a God sent for us.  My daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis at her 13 year old check up.  After researching and following all the groups on social media about scoliosis I learned about Schroth therapy.  I gave Beatriz a call and started therapy almost immediately.  Beatriz is wonderful and knows what she is doing.  She is very straightforward with you, which I love.  She has helped my daughter so much with the Schroth therapy that the doctor said no surgery for her.  In addition to doing Schroth therapy my daughter also wears a WCR brace which Beatriz recommended and provided the information to get it.  Beatriz is a wonderful therapist."
- U.R, mom of 13 year old adolescent with scoliosis.  Miami, FL. 2019

- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program 


" Our family is eternally grateful for all of your help!!!  It has been an honor for our family but in particular, my daughter, to have met Beatriz!!!  Thanks to the Schroth therapy, my daughter has learned an immense amount of information about posture and self-care which has helped her tremendously with her scoliosis.  From the moment my daughter arrived at her CorpoSchema, she felt welcomed and cared for.  Her calmness in the middle of such a traumatic experience for an 11 year old was a blessing.  Beatriz professionalism and politeness is out of this world.  I am thankful that she was the person who guided us to get all the help she needed as a result of her knowledge. It has been 3 years now since the diagnosis and we continue the therapy (less frequent) to help my daughter as this is a lifelong adjustment.  Our family will be forever greatful to Beatriz!  Thank you. The Torres Family"
- Parents of adolescent with scoliosis.  Miami, FL. 2018.

- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program 


" I've been taking my daughter to Beatriz for almost one year once a week. We just had an annual checkup with our doctor who took a full body x-ray. There was a 15 degree improvement in the curve - it went down from 35 to 20 degrees. We were all amazed. Beatriz is excellent and very dedicated to what she does."
- Louis, father of adolescent with scoliosis.  Miami Beach, FL. 2018

- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program 


"The journey with our daughter after finding out she had scoliosis at nine years old has taken us to explore many paths. Now that she is thirteen years old and her curves are at a degree that most doctors would recommend surgery I am very grateful to have found the Schroth Method and the Wood Rigo Cheneau brace. We found a fabulous physical therapist (Beatriz from CorpoSchema in Coral Gables) and a terrific orthotist (Grant Wood). She has been doing the exercises for almost a year and has been wearing the WCR brace fabricated for her at Align Clinic in California for 7 months. Her back is visibly straighter and the scoliometer confirms her improvement. As grateful and hopeful as this makes us feel, we are even more grateful for the people who have guided us on this path. Beatriz and Grant have been extremely knowledgeable, encouraging, patient, and willing to help. Without them we may have ended up on a completely different path. I encourage all parents to explore this option because not only is it more holistic and less invasive but it also empowers your child to help themselves through the process as opposed to leaving it all up to the doctors. I also have to mention that visiting Dr. Michael O'brien was a blessing. Even though her curves where at a degree that most doctors would have told us our only option was surgery he was the one that convinced our daughter to give Schroth and the WCR brace a try. He spoke directly to her and told her she had nothing to lose by trying it but that if she wanted surgery he could do that too. That day was the turning point that put us on this path. A heartfelt thank you to all these loving people who are dedicated to helping families in this situation.
With gratitude,
Barbara & Steven"
- Parents of child with scoliosis.  Miami, FL. 2017.
- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program (Adolescent patient).

"My name is Kaylee, I've been doing Schroth for about a month now... At first it was really hard (the method). Beatriz would tell me to put myself in positions that I couldn't and wouldn't do because my body wouldn't let me do them.  It was hard at first, but now it's a lot easier.  After only a month of doing it I feel like it's really working. I see more symmetry in my body and in my torso, and I feel better, there is no more pain, and I feel better about myself.  I'm really happy I found this mode of spinal correction."
- K.R. 13 yrs old student.  Miami, FL. 2016
-Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment based on the Schroth Method. (Testimonial witnessed and approved by patient's mother).

"I’m a physical therapist; I started Schroth therapy about 8 sessions ago. I came initially with midthoracic pain that was constant. I had tried other methods for several years and they didn’t work… The Schroth therapy has really helped me achieve being painfree with my lifestyle. It has really educated me with how to achieve a healthy spine, and not just for now, but for the rest of my life. I’ve been extremely happy with the results. I’m very happy to be painfree and continuing with my life and everything that I love to do without any issues. For anyone who is experiencing any type of back pain, I would highly recommend this therapy, and I’m sure you would achieve excellent results as I have."
- L. M., Physical Therapist.  Miami Beach, FL. 2016
-Non-Surgical Scoliosis and Kyphosis Treatment Program (adult patient).

"I started doing Pilates in December, and I also decided in January to take a swimming class... During the swimming class I did something wrong, my neck started to bother me after the class and my vertigo came back. I decided to do the physical therapy for the vertigo, I can say now that I am vertigo free, and I am also back to swimming. I can say that I’m a different “fish in the water.” I move like I’ve never moved in the water before. Also, because of my line of work, I happen to work with computers, I started at a very young age… I suffer from tennis elbow. Although I do not play tennis, I got tennis elbow from working on the computer for numerous hours for many years. Beatriz has helped me manage this problem as well. I am also better at swimming now. My stroke is much better because I can lengthen my arms a lot more now when I’m swimming. Now that I have finished the therapy, I’m back to doing Pilates with Beatriz and plan to do it for a very long time."
- M. G., Database Administrator.  Miami, FL. 2015
-Rehab Program.

"Fuí diagnosticada con escoliosis cuando tenía 13 años, y me colocaron un 'Boston brace' el cual usé por approximadamente 2 años, y hasta allí llegó mi tratamiento de escoliosis...  Encontré el método Schroth cuando a los 33 años tuve un episodio de dolor en mi columna.  Al principio averigüé por el Internet, y el método me parecía que hacía sentido, era lógico, y busqué lugares donde pudieran tratarme con ese método, y fue como encontré a CorpoSchema.  Los ejercicios que he hecho aquí me han enseñado a elongar mi columna, a trabajar con mis caderas... Los ejercicios han sido diseñados específicamente para mi tipo de curva, así que sé que funcionan para mí y yo los he encontrado muy efectivos.  El dolor se desapareció.  De hecho, al hacer los ejercicios siento como la columna se elonga, en los espejos puedo ver como mi curva se nota menos y menos, y en verdad estoy muy complacida con los resultados."
- M. G. G., Venezuela. 2014  
- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program (adult patient).

"I had never taken Pilates classes before coming to CorpoSchema. I started Pilates in December and it turned out to be the perfect exercise program for me. A few months ago I injured my knee and was not able to exercise at all. I had to discontinue the dynamic exercise programs I enjoyed including ballet, yoga and jogging. After 2 six-week sessions of physical therapy, my knee had not healed completely and was left to figure out the most appropriate exercise routine on my own. I came to CorpoSchema because it is run by a physical therapist certified in Pilates who works with me one-on-one. With each class I felt stronger, more flexible and energized. In just 5 sessions I was able to resume daily activities like walking long distances, standing long periods of time and other forms of exercise.  Pilates at first was challenging but it is doable. The exercise program at CorpoSchema is personalized and modified incrementally to promote improvement. I enjoy it very much!"
- A.A., Architect.  Miami, FL 2013.
- Post-Rehab Fitness & Injury Prevention Program.

"I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a child and wore a brace for several years. As a middle aged adult I felt I needed to do something to improve my posture, asymmetry and overall balance. Through research I learned about the Schroth method several years ago and it made perfect sense. I was so happy when I finally found a certified therapist in Miami - Beatriz. Her knowledge and ability to communicate the exercises is wonderful. The sessions and the program are very much personalized to the type of scoliosis. Even as an adult the improvement is felt right away."
- B.C., Executive Director Non-Profit.  Miami, FL. 2013
- Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment Program (Adult patient).

"I have never done Pilates before, but I started because I'm on a break now from my college.  I'm on Harvard's College dance team, we compete every year in February at a National Dance Competition.  During my break I wanted to do some conditioning. I've actually become more flexible and a lot stronger, which I know is going to help me with my turns and a lot of my other dance activities.  Pilates is definetely good for anyone with any sort of training.  Even though I'm pretty flexible and strong, I discovered that some parts of my body are not as strong as I expected them to be...  I feel a lot better!"
- C.M., Student, Harvard University.  Coral Gables, FL. 2013
- Pilates for Personal Fitness. 

"Hi, I had surgery for scoliosis about four years ago by Dr. Michael O'Brien.  I had a spinal fusion, and Beatriz was then my physical therapist.  I have come back to Pilates, and back to Beatriz, so that she can help me realign my hips and my pelvis, and also find my center and my balance.  Pilates has been a great way for me not just to strengthen my core but also to feel like I am continuing to take care of my back in a safe and healthy environment."
- K.J., Associate Director of Purchasing, FIU.  Miami, FL. 2012
- Modified Pilates Program for Scoliosis. 


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